viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2011

martes, 14 de junio de 2011

The weather in Spain will be...

In Galicia, Asturias and  País Vasco it will rain. In the south of Galicia, it will be cloudy and in Asturias,it will be sunny .
In the north of Navarra, it will be snow and in south it will be cloudy.
In the north of Cataluña, it will be rain and in south it will be cloudy.
In the north of Castilla y León it will snow and it will be cloudy and in the south it will be sunny.
In Madrid, Extremadura and Castilla La Mancha it will be sunny.
In Andalucía it will be sunny.
In Ceuta and Melilla it will be sunny.
In the Inlands Canaris it will be cloudy.
In Mallorca and Menorca it will be rain.
In Ibiza and Formentera it will be sunny.
In the Comunitat Valenciana it will be sunny

martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

My favourite Tv programme

My favourite tv programme is the Spanish soap opera, 'El barrco'. I like El barco, because it is a story of adventure, and I like the sea. In the series, most os them are teenagers. They are going to study things of the boat, and while they are in the ship, the world ends, and strange things start to happen. I like Mario Casas, who is the main character. I like him because it is beautiful and he is always happy.

martes, 5 de abril de 2011

My free time

- Like phoning my friends. I often phone my best friend.
-Minerva doesn't like studying. She hardly ever opens a book
- Pedro enjoys going out. She is never at home.
-I like listening music. 
-My dad love the football.
- My cousin likes playing sport. He usually plays football.
-Lucas doesn't like going to the cinema
-Jesús loves reading. He often imagines fantasy stories because of the books he reads
-My friend  loves playing sport. He often plays rutby.

martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

Com estalviar aigua


-No utilitzant el vàter com a paperera
-Dutxant-me en lloc de banyar-me.
-Triant per al meu jardí els sistemes d’estalvi per al rec, com el rec automàtic
-Tancant láigua cuant no l'utilitze
-Arreglant les aixetes que gotegen

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011


I lived in Madrid, Valencia and Javea all my life.I' ve learnt to speak English and Valenciano. I've travelled to different cityes (Tenerife, Ibiza, Asturias, Valladolid, Santander), but I have not gone to Burgos. I've seen Spain as the Football World Champion, because I like football. I and my mother never climbed a mountain, because I have vertigo. My mother is friend the famous (Marta Sanchez, David Villa, Alejandro Sanz). I haven't broken my leg and arm. I go with my mother to the shops, I like going to the shops. My father live in tenerife, and in summer go to Tenerife to stay with he.

jueves, 13 de enero de 2011

Christmas corner

-These christmas, I was in Madrid, with the family of my father and my father, and then with my mother and the family of my mother.
-Good night I was it with my father and with my uncles, we have dinner on chicken and appetizers.
- In New Year's eve, I had dinner with my mother and the family of my mother, we have dinner lamb and then we take the grapes.